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Veritas Law Firm
The purpose of establishing “VERITAS” Law Agency that holds a license issued by the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic under No. 00001, is the creation of a legal firm of a new type in Kyrgyzstan, which would most efficiently protect the interests of local and foreign clients subject to the specifics of Kyrgyz economy, laws and law enforcement practice.
Starting from 1997 “VERITAS” Law Agency has been specializing on rendering professional legal services to businesses and it possesses broad expertise in the various areas of law.
The regular activities of “VERITAS” Law Agency constitute legal support of the implementation of any business-projects; the development of schemes for the implementation of commercial transactions within a certain legal framework; business consultations; preparation of various draft contracts, including loan and pledge agreements; legal support of reorganization and establishment of legal entities with various ownership structures, including the development of optimum schemes for the organization of the company’s activities, governance structure, tax planning; the development and implementation of merger (takeover) therewith ensuring maximum protection of Clients from possible exposure.
The majority of our Clients are major and medium foreign and local private companies, foreign and local banks, international organizations and international financial institutions, as well as the embassies of foreign states.
Telephone : +996 312 900971
Fax : +996 312 643427
E-Mail : [email protected]
Web Site :
Address : 200 Kievskaya str. 720001, Bishkek Kyrgyzstan