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Cabinet Christ Aime
Our firm provides legal and financial advice and assistance in Guinea. Firm experts have the experience and resources to provide you all the advice and assistance you need and professionally, efficiently and at competitive fees.
Our Practices: General, Civil and Criminal, Arbitration, Mediation, Litigation, Banking and Financing, Corporate, Business and Commercial Advisory, Risk Management, Patent and Intellectual Property, Real Estate, Technology, Telecom, Media, Environment and Transport, Merger, Acquisition, Contractual Documentation Support, Business Reorganization Assistance, Corporate Support, Due Diligence, Multi-Jurisdictional Litigations, Mortgage, Industrial Laws, Shipping Law and Cargo Claims, Freight Forwarding and Global Logistics.
Telephone : +224 655 65 30 50
Fax : +224 664 63 49 29
E-Mail : [email protected]
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Address : Adres: B.P: 3860 Conakry – Guinea