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Hongwei & HongDei, HeWei IP and Law Firm
HongWei Intellectual Agency, HongDei and HeWai Law Firm (“H & W Law Firms”) in Taiwan, Shanghai, SuZhou, and Shenzhen approved by the State Intellectual Property Office, Trademark Office and Ministry of Justice of the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan, specialize in providing legal services relating to intellectual property and business Law. They are the designated companies in China and Taiwan to deal with matters such as intellectual property, customs registration, software registration and intellectual property lawsuit and business and investment law.
Telephone : +886 2 25156868
Fax : +886 2 25156868
E-Mail : [email protected]
Web Site :
Address : 4F-1, No 108 Long Jiang Rd., Chung Shan District, Taipei City, Taiwan