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- D. R. Of Congo
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- Uruguay
- Uzbekistan
- Venezuela
- Vietnam
- Yemen
- Zimbabwe
Marrugo Rivera & Asociados
Founded in 2008, Marrugo Rivera & Associates projected as a leading firm in providing services in Colombia and Latin America on emerging technology law. Our focus is on providing comprehensive assistance and solutions in versatile Business Law, as well as a safe and reliable service to our customers. What makes us different is the commitment and passion that we give to each job. Innovation, agility, a serious ethical commitment and a sense of responsibility mark our legal practice. We are aware of the needs of businesses in a globalised world and we integrate our quality professional services and the training of our employees so as to ensure, by timely and effective care, the Legal Certainty that the companies need. Our main focus is the emerging technology law, information security, Data Protection and Privacy, e-commerce, software and computer law.
Telephone : +571 4674999
Fax : +571 4674999
E-Mail : [email protected]
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Address : Cra 67 #167-61 Of. 315 Ed. Colina Office Park Bogota 110001 Colombia