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Yelpo & Facal Abogados
The increasing technical independence of Enterprises Law requires a systemic approach.The steady increase of both disciplines in the past years and the sustained development of these activities have created a network of complex legal relations, of diverse nature, with their own principles and characteristics.
Market growth, sophisticated media, development and evolution, the constant increase in international business activities and the dramatic change in sales techniques have urged the study and implementation of legal mechanisms to prevent, train and protect the businessman. At Yelpo & Facal we have joined our knowledge, capacities and expertise in both areas to offer our clients a premium service, combining the development of our professional activities specialized in giving advice to the enterprises.That is why we provide our advisory services based on the needs of business from the start up and during its development, preventing and finding the best solutions if crisis and conflicts arise.
We are a young law firm, though we sum up more than 30 years of experience in these areas. Therefore, we can offer our clients fast, flexible and reliable services joining our youth with our expertise.
We have the appropriate infrastructure and a specialized team prepared to deal with the concerns and needs of the businessman today. We offer legal professional services of excellence to corporate clients on busines world. By the quality of our services, talent and professional team we will be chosen by the majority of the principal companies who will see in us the key to prevent and solve the complex reality of the business world today.
Telephone : +598 2 908 4665
Fax : +598 2 902 6508
E-Mail : [email protected]
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Address : 18 de Julio 1296, Oficina 701 Montevideo Uruguay