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- Yemen
- Zimbabwe
Fikadu Asfaw & Associates Law Office
Fikadu Asfaw and Associates Law Office (FALO) is an Ethiopian Law firm founded in 2003. Thanks to our client-oriented philosophy our law office has established a system of excellent legal service and reputation in the Ethiopian legal industry. Our law office always takes genuine interest in our clients’ legal matters, understands their objectives, and achieves results that exceed their expectation through establishing a reliable legal partnership; vanguarding their best interests while adding maximum value to their business growth and development. Integrity, Professionalism and Respect are the three core pillars of our law office’s ethos, which allow us to always work towards achieving the highest quality of legal services possible; creating maximum accessibility, highest efficiency, timely responsiveness and being technologically reachable.
Our law office handles wide aspects of legal relationship including Corporate and Business Organization, Intellectual Property, Immigration, Tax, Mergers and Acquisitions, Labour and Employment, Insurance, Infrastructure and Commodities, Mining, Minerals, Natural Resources and Energy, Competition, Tort /Extra Contractual, Litigation and Dispute Resolution, Inheritance and Family Law, Criminal Cases and Defense, Non-profit and Association (CSO / NGO) and Due Diligence.
Telephone : +251114700612
Fax : +251114700657
E-Mail : [email protected]
Web Site :
Address : Ambasel Building, 6th Floor, Ethio-China Street, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.