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Baghdat International Legal Firm
During the era of the totalitarian regime, Iraq’s economy was on the socialist side based in the principle that government solely owned treasure and business. When the Iraqi state established the new constitution that changed the entire direction of the state’s economy into adopting the strategy of open and free market, and therefore created support for businesses, we launched the first private practice where we can provide legal services, business and judicial consultancies. This was the first new experience in the country where we provided legal, justice, and legislative activities and services in various litigations, including, analyses, consultancies, and/or representation of individuals, public or private institutions before courts and governmental departments, committees, special councils, and governmental or special commissions. We have expert attorneys that are specialized in all fields; lawyers specialized in drafting commercial and civil contracts with governmental and private institutions, and specialists to register civil organizations, national and foreign companies. We also handle cases related to immigration, including foreign labor. We possess an extensive knowledge of the legal and economic fields which enables us to provide analyses relevant to economic, legal, and administrative consultations regarding investment opportunities in Iraq.
Telephone : +964 7901340216
Fax : +964 7901340216
E-Mail : [email protected]
Web Site :
Address : Building 94, 7 floors apartment # 72 Hayfa St, Baghdad Iraq