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Dogry Maslahat Law Office
Dogry Maslahat Law Firm was founded by Dr. Dowran Orazgylyjow. This firm which is working with professional lawyers and financial advisors offers legal consulting services to local and foreign companies.
Our firm is specialized in areas like international investment law, company law, constructional law, energy law, petroleum law, trade law, contract law, tax law, labor law and conflict and disagreement resolution. Dogry Maslahat Law Firm is ready to a partnership with you in Turkmenistan where the investment area is progressing fast.
Dogry Maslahat Law Firm provides its work system by “preventive law” which means taking precautions in issues where disagreements may occur rather than solving them. However when disagreements come out we provide its resolutions carefully.
Telephone : +993 12 45 85 54
Fax : +993 12 45 85 54
E-Mail : [email protected]
Web Site :
Address : Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy ave., 54, Yimpash Business Center, 303, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan 744000