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Salazar & Salazar Asociados
SALAZAR, SALAZAR & ASOCIADOS, founded in 1982, is one of the leading Bolivian law firms and provides a full range of services to its clients.
SALAZAR, SALAZAR & ASOCIADOS has an ample experience due to various and diverse works carried our successfully by representing different institutions, both public as well as commercial companies of different nature. SS&A can offer a guarantee of the work carried out based on the transparency, experience and trustworthiness, strengthened by the experience and its consolidated and experimented team.
The detailed planning, careful design of strategies, dynamism, innovation and effective coordination are of paramount importance in the services offered.
Telephone : +591 3 342 0009
Fax : +591 3 345 3584
E-Mail : [email protected]
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Address : Calle I No.27 esq. San Martin Edificio Aranjuez Piso 5 Santa Cruz de la Sierra Bolivia