gavel29520142Criminal and other investigations often have a strong transnational link. The alleged conduct may be committed or an alleged perpetrator be residing abroad. Foreign subsidiaries or parent companies may be affected. Issues relating to obtaining evidence abroad or requests for mutual legal assistance often arise.

Proceeds from an offence may be located abroad. Foreign authorities may be conducting parallel proceedings. Initiating criminal proceedings can support civil or other actions. The Prae Legal Business Crime and Compliance group offers knowledge and expertise to support Law and Consulting Firms and to protect clients’ interests in criminal and other investigations. Practitioners have vast experience in handling criminal investigations and prosecutions, and in dealing with requests for a mutual legal assistance, and can provide proactive and preventative advice.

An Extensive Range of Expertise in Compliance

The expertise of the Prae Legal Business Crime and Compliance group helps clients facing challenges in:

  • Responding to criminal investigations and defending proceedings against individuals and companies
  • Advising individuals or companies on investigations and proceedings of regulatory or other authorities
  • Providing support during searches and seizures at home and abroad
  • Gathering of information for criminal investigations and inspection of files
  • Designing and implementing compliance programs
  • Reviewing compliance rules
  • Providing legal assistance in dawn raids

Key areas of practice are:

  • Anti-corruption, fraud and misappropriation of funds
  • Accounting offenses
  • Insolvency offenses
  • Export control and embargoes
  • Work and labor offenses
  • Cartel and fair trade offenses
  • Tax and customs offenses
  • Money laundering and proceeds of crime
  • Mutual legal assistance
  • Training and education

Moreover, when your organization’s legal needs go beyond business crimes and compliance matters, attorneys in the Group are able to ensure you receive the additional advice, expertise and support you might need from Prae Legal.

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