Praelegal Afghanistan Has Obtained Membership Of The Afghanistan Chamber Of Commerce And Industry

Recently, PraeLagal Afghanistan has got membership of the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industries (“ACCI”). On this occasion first of all we want to have a brief introduction of the ACCI and to express the services that are offered to its members. At the end, introduction of PraeLegal legal and consultancy with its scope of activities, so it would be a brief guide to all natural and legal persons who would like to have membership in the ACCI or need legal advisory services from PraeLegal.


About The ACCI

In serving the private sector, the history of ACC starts 84 years ago. For the first time in 1931, Afghan traders established Commercial Arbitration Association to integrate their business activities and also defend their rights. Later on, this organization was transformed into the Chamber of Commerce and Industries to promote domestic production and trade in the country. The ACCI law of 2009 ensured that the ACCI is an independent and non-governmental and nonprofit organization. This approach allows for close co-operation between the public and private sectors and enables the creation of a self-regulated business sector throughout the country.

Currently, the Chamber represents over 90 % of the total Afghan work force. ACCI is headquartered in Kabul and operates branch chambers in 25 provinces over the country.  Its current membership exceeds 65,000 companies and 164 business unions, associations and cooperatives which represent a vast majority of the total Afghan workforce.

Advocacy and representation of the private sector in all matters, particularly in realization the demands and opinions of the private sector in Afghanistan’s economic and business laws and policies, efforts to establish business relationships between afghan companies and businessmen with international companies through the Department of International Relations, providing business development services for entrepreneurs, and providing legal services on commercial arbitration and mediation is a small range of services that the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Afghanistan offer to domestic and foreign private sector.


About PraeLegal

PraeLegal is an international legal and Consultancy Company which has been operates in more than 140 countries and has experienced members with different expertise in order to provide legal advisory services for companies and other real and legal entities in need of legal assistance.

As people’s lifestyles and characteristics differ from country to country, also each country has its own labor market and legal system, which more or less different from other markets and legal systems; The advantage of PraeLegal over the other same law firms is that PraeLegal has gathered all the features of market and characteristics of legal systems of the world in their network and to solve the above problems, PraeLegal become a window for legal solution around the world.

PraeLegal wants to bring better facilities through a vast network of law firms with then well-established offices and over 140 member companies worldwide in all legal and advisory services. Fortunately Afghanistan has the honor of inclusion in this invaluable global legal network, its membership in the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industries  is step of infinite progress and steady steps in the direction of this institution is to serve our fellow citizens.


PraeLegal Afghanistan

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