Afghanistan Work Visa

In the past decade and half, Afghanistan has accommodated thousands of foreign workers.  The reason for such an influx was the need of the new Afghan administration for foreign advisors to train Afghans in different technical fields of the government.  The other reason was the work opportunities provided by the increasing development of Afghanistan towards globalization and self-sufficiency.

In addition to the requirement of a work permit which is mandated by the Labor Law, Foreign Citizen’s Travel Law, and the Foreign Citizen’s Appointment Law, work visa is the first step that a foreign citizen intending to work in Afghanistan must take.  The following is a guide on how to accomplish this initial step:


Who receives a work visa?

The entry work visa is issue to employees such as doctors, professors, trainers, experts, engineers, pilots, transportation employees, and technical support stuff who are holders of foreign passport and prior valid invitation.


Required Documents:

  • Visa Application Form (must be submitted seven days before departure to Afghanistan).
  • Applicant’s Passport (must be valid for six months after application).
  • Two standard size pictures for the Application Form.
  • Proof of residency.
  • Paying the applicable visa fee and providing proof of the payment.
  • Proof of the purpose of travel from the relevant official authority.

The original documents submitted by the applicant will be return to the applicant upon the conclusion of the visa process.


Duration of the Afghan Work Visa

The visa is single entry, with a valid during of three months and one month of stay.  After the admission of the applicant, the visa is renewable through the Ministry of Interior of Afghanistan for one month to one year per the request of the applicant and after proper procedures are fulfilled.

The necessary visa support documents must be submitted by the employer company of the applicant to the Ministry of Commerce that will in turn submit them to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Affairs.

Finally, it must be stated that some foreign national who would travel for the purpose of trade, investment, marketing, business transactions, company management, business exhibit attendance and conferences will need to apply for business visa which is different from a work visa.

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